Parents » Extended Care Program

Extended Care Program

Extended Care Program 


Dear All Souls Parents,

            Our Extended Care Program will be in full operation beginning August 27, 2014.  The purpose of our program is to provide a safe, supervised place where All Souls students (gr. K-8) can spend before and after school hours constructively in a friendly, planned environment.  Our after school program provides snack and social time, homework/study time, and indoor/outdoor activities. 

            Our Extended Care Program operates on all days school is in session, including minimum days (12:20 dismissal) except for the first day of school, after school on the day before Christmas break, and after school on the last day of school.  It is NOT open on holidays or during vacation periods.


6:45-7:45am                before school

3:00-5:50pm               after school

2:30-5:50 pm              early dismissal days                                         

12:20-5:50pm             minimum days



FULL-TIME           September - May                                                (MONTHLY)          $260.00  - first child                                          Family rates         $100.00  - second child

                             $50.00 - each addition child

PART-TIME         $8.00 per hour for the first child

                             $14.00 per hour for 2 children 

                             $19.00 for 3 or more children

ENROLLMENT & BILLING:  Both full and part-time students must be enrolled in the program prior to attendance. As the number of school days in each month always varies, full-time rates are based on averaged costs for the months of September through May. Anyone enrolled at an hourly rate will not be charged more than an applicable full-time fee in cases where the hourly total exceeds that amount. The months of August and June will be billed at the normal hourly rate.

BILLING DATE:   FULL and PART TIME students will be billed on-line on the 15th of the month.

LATE CHARGES:  A late charge (10%) will be added if payment is not received by due date.  Extension program fees are due by the end of the billing month.

There is a  $15.00 charge if your child/children are picked up between 5:50 and 6:00 p.m.  After 6:00 p.m., there is a $1.00 per minute charge.  This is to discourage late pick ups and extra cost for staff.


REGISTRATION FEE:  The registration fee is $35.00 per child for both full time a part-time services.  This fee must accompany you contract for participation.

 * If you intend to use extended care you MUST register your child prior to the first day you wish to use it. 

If you are interested in participating in our Extended Care Program, please complete the attached contract and return it to the school office to the attention of the Extended Care Program Coordinator.  After 3:00 p.m. you may reach Extended Care by calling 650-438-0223.